We work with public and private entities to ensure quality, safety and sustainability through construction, redevelopment and renovation. See more about our projects!

ASL Napoli 2 Nord
Design and execution of works for the seismic upgrading of the “Santa Maria delle Grazie” hospital in Pozzuoli (NA) – “towards a safe and sustainable hospital”.

Town of Riposto
Executive design and execution of interventions for the “urban regeneration of the areas of influence railway station terminal Ligresti area, Pantano area, Station area and Margherita area and linear park of honey and wine distillates” fluence railway station terminal Ligresti area, Pantano area, station area and Margherita area and linear park of honey and wine distillates/”

Gandin Barracks – Ministry of Defence
Demolition project of building no. 25 and construction of new building

Campania Regional Council
Technical engineering and architectural works and services for the construction of public buildings such as Community Houses (CdC), Community Hospitals (OdC) and Territorial Operations Centres (CoT).

Municipality of Vigasio
Definitive design, executive design and execution of works for the construction of a new nursery school complex in Via Cavour in the municipality of Vigasio (VR)

Design and execution of works for the construction of the new tram depot in Via Gino Severini – Rome

Interregional Superintendency for Public Works
Veneto – Trentino-Alto Adige – Friuli Venezia Giulia – Trieste Coordinated Headquarters Award of contract for the execution of “works to adapt the buildings known as “c2-c5”, located in the university district of P. le Europa,1. Trieste GC 4122, to safety, fire prevention and the removal of architectural barriers and the adaptation of the electrical systems to standards

Municipality of Calvi Risorta
Call for tenders for School 3.0: new learning spaces in the municipality of Calvi Risolta.

Municipality of Sirignano
Safety works at the Sirignano municipal swimming pool.

Municipality of Faloppio
Faloppio Primary School, Via Liberazione 10 – seismic upgrading, demolition and reconstruction.

Hydrogeological instability mitigation works in via Scoccilli in the municipality of Ruviano.

Works to complete primary and secondary urbanisation works in the territory of Roma Capitale.

Works for the construction of the Cornaredo Intermunicipal Power Station 1st plot – Well field: construction of Three wells for drinking water.

Municipality of Rho
Energy requalification works for municipal housing in via Parri, municipality of Rho.

University of Udine Board of Health.
Renovation of I.M.F.R. Gervasutta Hospital for the 3rd level of rehabilitation – 2nd intervention.

Local Health Authority, City of Turin
Maintenance of air treatment and refrigeration systems in healthcare buildings of the Local Health Authority, City of Turin.

CUC Unione Montana Valsesia
Standardisation and energy upgrading of the Boccioleto primary and nursery school.

University of Palermo
Restoration and refunctionalisation of the former hospital in Via Atenea in Agrigento.